Setting up Email on an iPhone or iPad

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Mail > Add an Account…
  2. The popup in Figure 1 will appear. In this popup click ‘Exchange’
  3. The next popup will ask for your email and description. Use the following:
                Email: [email protected]
    1. Description: Work


  4. The popup in Figure 2 will appear. In this popup, select ‘Configure Manually’
  5. The next popup will ask for your password. This password will always be the same as your Windows sign in password.
  6. Fill in the following information: (Your email, password, and description will autofill)

    1. Email: [email protected]
    2. Server:
    3. Domain:
    4. Username: [Same as your Windows Username]
    5. Password: [Same as your Windows Password]
    6. Description: Exchange
  7. Click ‘Next’ on the top right
  8. In the next popup, make sure all boxes are highlighted green and click ‘Save’


To view your email you just need to go to Apple’s mail icon on the main screen.