Setting up Email on an iPhone or iPad
- On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Mail > Add an Account…
- The popup in Figure 1 will appear. In this popup click ‘Exchange’
- The next popup will ask for your email and description. Use the following:
Email: [email protected]- Description: Work
- Description: Work
- The popup in Figure 2 will appear. In this popup, select ‘Configure Manually’
- The next popup will ask for your password. This password will always be the same as your Windows sign in password.
- Fill in the following information: (Your email, password, and description will autofill)
- Email: [email protected]
- Server:
- Domain:
- Username: [Same as your Windows Username]
- Password: [Same as your Windows Password]
- Description: Exchange
- Click ‘Next’ on the top right
- In the next popup, make sure all boxes are highlighted green and click ‘Save’
To view your email you just need to go to Apple’s mail icon on the main screen.